
Ingenimind Zrt. (2023 - present)
Software Developer

I am currently working at Ingenimind Zrt. as a software developer. I am working mainly in the .NET ecosystem with high throughput backend systems.

While at this position one of the main projects I have been working is a big data processing system. This system is responsible for interfacing with many different systems and processing millions of lines of data every day. I have been working on the processing part and also have worked intensively on the integration testing software for this system.

Also I had the chance to mainly work on a live Poker broadcast system. This system is primarily made for reporters and players to see the current state of the game. We have been using DotNet Core, SignalR and React for this project.

GriffSoft Zrt. (2022 - 2023)
Dual Internship

When I started to study at the University of Szeged I entered the dual training program. This program allowed me to work at GriffSoft Zrt. as a dual intern.

While at the company I worked at a variety of different projects but mainly worked in the DotNet Framework ecosystem. Also I had the fortune to work with the ELK stack and get to know machine learning supported searching technologies. My favourite project was an older system where I lead a frontend migrating from an old AngularJS based frontend to a more modern approach to development.

ParkMyst Project (2019 - 2022)
Full stack developer

What started out as a fun project for our trip, turned into a very serious project. The main goal of this project is to provide a platform for game creators where they can create games from building blocks (low code/no code) and a client for players to play these games.

My role in this project was mostly backend focused, but I also took responsibility in creating the frontend aspect of the software too. I am very proud of this software, and the team I work with. Furthermore, we are very proud of the recognition we got in the form of competition first place.


At this company there was a need for a custom built shift scheduling system, and I got the chance to work on it. With no previous infrastructure it was my role to negotiate how the system should work, what kind of interface it should have and then delivering it.

Házizz Project (2018 - 2020)
Backend developer

Everyone knows the hardships of a student. You must always be on point with homework and assignments. To ease this burden, we created a social platform where you can share this information with your classmates.

This was my, and my project partners’, first large-scale project. For me this was an invaluable experience in leadership and software architecture. My role was primarily working on the backend of the project and negotiating how it will communicate with multiple clients.


University of Szeged (2022 - present)
Faculty of Science and Informatics / Computer Science Engineering

Currently taking part in Bachelor training for Computer Science Engineering.

BMSZC Neumann János Informatikai Technikum (2017 - 2022)
Vocational secondary school / Programming and computer networks

After an intense English year I have learned the fundemantals of the IT industry for 4 years. While studying i also took part in a variety of IT competitions.

Budaörsi Herman Ottó (2009 - 2017)
Primary school / Media production

I have worked on numerous multimedia projects as a cameraman and also as a video editor. Furthermore I also made radio shows for the school.


WorldSkills 2024 - IT Software Solutions for Business
III. place
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WorldSkills 2024 - Skill 09 Speed Competition
I. place
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Albert Einstein Cup 2024 - Speed programming
I. place
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EuroSkills 2025 qualifier - IT Software Solutions for Business
I. place
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WorldSkills 2024 qualifier - IT Software Solutions for Business
I. place
CCNA Routing and Switching: Routing and Switching Essentials
Ágazati és ágazaton belüli specializáció szakmai érettségi vizsgatárgyak versenye - 2022
I. place
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Skills Junior 2022 - Web category
I. place
Ifjútudosok tudományos vetélkedő - 2022 - Traditional category
Dusza Árpád Országos Programozói Emlékverseny - 2021 - Mobile category
I. place
Bakonyi Bitfaragó Bajnokság - 2021
I. place
30. Ifjúsági Tudományos és Innovációs Tehetségkutató Verseny
CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction to Networking
Kódolj Határok Nélkül! - 2021
Bakonyi Bitfaragó Bajnokság - 2020
I. place
II. Merklik László problémamegoldó verseny
Neumann János Egyetem Programming contest - 2020
II. place
WebGraf - 2020
II. place
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Dusza Árpád Országos Programozói Emlékverseny - 2020 - Mobile category
I. place
Szegedi Innovatív Informatika Verseny - 2020 - Software category
I. place
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Kódolj Határok Nélkül! - 2020
Accenture Java competition - 2020
29. Ifjúsági Tudományos és Innovációs Tehetségkutató Verseny
Nemes Tihamér Nemzetközi Informatikai Tanulmányi Verseny - 2020 - Programming category
39. place
Dusza Árpád Országos Programozói Emlékverseny - 2020 - Traditional category
II. place
Dusza Árpád Országos Programozói Emlékverseny - 2019 - Mobile category
I. place
Bakonyi Bitfaragó Bajnokság - 2019
Http Alapítvány - Cisco Webex Hacathlon - 2019
I. place
Szegedi Innovatív Informatika Verseny - 2019 - Software category
I. place
Nemes Tihamér Nemzetközi Informatikai Tanulmányi Verseny - 2019 - Programming category
41. place
Dusza Árpád Országos Programozói Emlékverseny - 2019 - Traditional category
I. place
Secondary School Programming contest - 2018
I. place